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Increase in Visitor Numbers to National Parks in Mallorca

An 11% rise in visitors from 2013 to 2014

featured in News & reviews Author Pam Williamson, Mallorca Editor Updated

Mallorca is well known for its beautiful beaches, turquoise waters & winding roads, but with much of the Island designated to nature reserves and National Parks, there is much more to do and see that you can probably imagine...

The highest figure for five years, the National Parks and nature reserves of Mallorca, recorded an incredible 286,539 visitors over the course of 2014, 11.01% more than in 2013.

Visitor numbers are recorded from the users of different camping areas or refuges, participating in educational activities carried out in the natural parks, plus those people using the visitor centres. With so much wildlife, varieties of plants and flowers, stunning coastlines and rock formations to explore, it is no wonder people have been flocking to the parks of S'Albufera de Mallorca, Peninsula de Llevant, Mondragó, Cabrera Archipelago and the Serra de Tramuntana.

The Island is well known for its magical marine life and has also become a haven for bird watchers...check out our guide to Bird Watching on the Island! With so many migrating birds passing through it is hard to resist a trip into one of the nature reserves to see who you can spot!