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A Walk from Puerto Pollenca to Cala de Boquer

Enjoy the Tramuntana mountains & a remote beach in North Majorca

featured in Activity reviews Author Jane Leitch, Mallorca Reporter Updated

Behind the busy streets of Puerto Pollensa in North Mallorca lies the quiet and peaceful Serra de Tramuntana mountain range. These mountains form the stunning backdrop that many visitors will see when they come to Mallorca as the mountain range runs from the Southwest to Northeast of the island. Behind Puerto Pollensa lies a trail walk through a valley in these mountains to the rocky beach at Cala de Boquer.

The walk from Puerto Pollensa to Cala Boquer starts at the roundabout linking Carrer Ramon Vellenilla Lecuna and the Urbanització de Boquer, along the main road at the back of the town. It is fairly well sign posted and once you’re on the right road you’re pretty much sorted. The walk initially takes you through some local properties so be sure to close any gates behind you. The trail is approximately 6.5km round trip with only a small ascent/descent of 150m along the way. It boasts some impressive and stunning views of the Tramuntana mountain range and takes you between the town of Cala de Sant Vicenç and Formentor to a small bay area that is otherwise only accessible by boat (or goat).

The trail is most popular in the Spring and Autumn seasons when the weather is a bit cooler but the Mallorcan sea is still warm enough for a quick dip, although I wouldn’t let that discourage you from going in the summer. One thing to note is that there is very little shade along the path so any sun that is about you will feel it. The advantage of being in the mountain valley means that a cool wind channels through the path and helps take the edge off that heat.

The path is usually very quiet and your only other company apart from a few locals or tourists will be mountain goats showing off their nimble skills as they jump and run along the rocks. There are many goats on the mountains here but they don’t seem to be very fazed by human company.

After following the well paved path for a few kilometers and on approach to the rocky beach, it is worth your while to stop and take in the views of the sea and mountains in front of you. The sea is a stunning turquoise blue from here and looks very enticing after following the dusty path (or lack of) that you’ll now reach. From the moment the sea is visible the path turns into more of a rocky clamber than a paved path.

On arrival at the beach there is little else to do but get into the water, the rocks and pebbles mean you have to pick your spot wisely before performing a balancing dance to reach the sea. In the secluded bay the sea is very clear and cool, it’s pretty much perfect for after a trail walk.

Overlooking you as you walk to Cala de Boquer is the famous mountain named the “Sierra de Cavall Bernat” with ‘cavall’ meaning horse. When the sun moves over the Cavall Bernat the shadow of this mountain projects the image of a horse. The ridge at the top of the Cavall Bernat is very popular amongst climbers with even the most advanced climbers finding a challenge here.

The nature of the trail is ideal for anyone who enjoys a bit of walking but I imagine it must be good fun and exercise to run the path before taking a swim in the sea. With trail running becoming increasingly more popular I cannot think of a more accessible place to do it than at Cala de Boquer.

The trip is ideal for a mornings excursion but won’t necessarily keep you entertained all day. Although the views are stunning and the sea is cool, the beach isn’t the most comfortable one to sunbathe but it will most certainly be one of the quietest beaches in North Majorca.

It’s definitely not a walk for flip flops so sensible shoes are a must for this one, trainers or lightweight walking shoes would be ideal and be sure to take plenty of water.

Read more about Birdwatching in the Boquer Valley.


Map of the surrounding area