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Palma Auditorium

Cultural and exhibition centre right in front of Palma Bay

featured in Theatres Updated

A variety of shows, music concerts, plays, dance & musicals are performed at the Auditorium. It also hosts conferences and conventions.

Founded in 1969, the Auditorium houses nine halls and meeting rooms, two of which (the Magna and Mozart Halls) are theatres and are often used for art and music performances.

From the rooftop you get a fantastic view over Palma, the main historic buildings and way out to sea to the archipelago that extends.

Some top hit musicals are performed here, as well as classical music, ballet, theatre performances and live concerts. It is conveniently and centrally located on the seafront, along the Passeig Maritimo, close to a range of bars, restaurants and hotels.


Map of the surrounding area